Frenchie Friday - April 5, 2024

Frenchie Friday - April 5, 2024

By the time you are reading this I will be on a plane to Paris. We are heading to Portugal for a month, bookended by 2 weekends in Paris. And of course, as I always warn you about, we have not 1 but 2 strikes to navigate through.

Saturday there will be both a student-led demonstration at the sports ministry to denounce the removal of residents from student housing during the 2024 Summer Olympics AND the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) are back at Place de la Bourse to demonstrate various issues and demands, such as a referendum on France’s withdrawal from the EU and NATO, living costs and the implementation of a constitutional amendment.

Always have a Plan B and C in Paris!

BUT the cherry blossoms started blooming 2 days ago, so that's going to make up for it. We are staying in the 17th arrondissement so it is just a short walk to Parc Monceau to check out the beauties!

Keep up on my adventures (and misadventures) in Paris and Portugal on Instagram.

Audrey Hepburn's Paris

Two books have released since the beginning of 2024 covering Audrey Hepburn's Paris. An article I was reading this week in Grazia magazine this week reminded me I had a dusty draft on this very topic which I pulled out from the depth of my backlog, polished off and published this morning. Here's my version of Audrey Hepburn's Paris.

If you love Audrey as much as I do, you definitely will want to check out Audrey Hepburn in Paris and Audrey in Paris as well!

Links I Love...

Links to interesting stories found around the interwebs during the past week. If you find something about Paris, France, or French lifestyle and culture that you think I should share, reply to this email and let me know!



French Culture, Lifestyle, Beauty & Decor:

Around the World

Pour Le Weekend...

What I packed for 1 month in Portugal

Packing light, but making it fashionable! Here's my capsule wardrobe for month-long adventure (and misadventures, it’s me right?) in Portugal, featuring my favorite brands and tried-and-true classics that never let me down. From wrinkle-free shirts to versatile denim that's been with me through countless journeys, every piece tells a story. Who says you can't travel stylishly with just a few key pieces?

I am going to soak up as much of Paris as I can in a weekend! The weather is supposed to cooperate so we will be out and about walking, eating, shopping, doing it all!

We get to Portugal Sunday night to start our month, I am looking forward to it!

How about you?

Bon Weekend!

Andi Fisher

Misadventures with Andi

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-220512
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Bonjour! I'm Andi Fisher.

I am a content creator, storyteller, and marketer. Oh, and a Francophile which means I love all things French! I write about travel, food, and France, including aspiring to follow a French lifestyle. If Paris is your jam, I am here for you with all the deets. But I also do a lot of outdoor adventures looking for places that are off the beaten path in the U.S. as well.

Read more from Bonjour! I'm Andi Fisher.
Paris Panoramic view from the Panthéon

Frenchie Friday - July 19, 2024 No Frenchie Friday emails for 4 weeks and then 4 emails in one week - désolée and NOT generally how I roll, so thanks for not coming after me with the pitch forks. Amazon and Nordstom didn't check with me on putting their big sales the same week as my blog anniversary ;-) I hope if you did partake in any sales you got some good stuff! I picked a lot of boring household items, but I did get a new Travelon bag (from Wednesday's email) which was an unexpected...

July 17, 2024 Okay, I know. I know. I already sent you 2 emails this week. But bear with me... But I’m breaking my own rules here because I stumbled upon something while doing my Prime shopping that I can’t keep to myself. I’m talking about the Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Messenger Bag. Cue dramatic drumroll. Me in Portugal in April. I schlepped this thing around Europe twice this year (April and June) and let me tell you, it’s my new BFF. I mean, this bag is like a fortress for your...

SALE Up to 28% off! Start Shopping I know you are going to get bombarded the next 2 days about Amazon Prime Days so I am not going to share a list of my picks. I did want to share my one MUST BUY - Level8 Cases - not only because they are on sale, but also because there are some styles or selections that are only available on Amazon and not the Level8 website. So might as well get them on SALE! ✦ Amazon Prime Sale ✦ Attention jet-setters and travel enthusiasts! During Prime Days Level8...